Preparation before Examination


Precautions to prepare the patient before the Examination


Fasting sugar:

Fasting 6-8 hours is required (cases are accepted from 6-10 hours)

Sugar after eating:

It is required to count the two hours from the start of eating and after taking the treatment, if it is found that it is not allowed to eat during the two hours. Also, please finish eating within 10 minutes and come to the laboratory at least a quarter of an hour before the time.

Blood lipids:

Fasting is required for 12 hours (for triglycerides and LDL cholesterol only) (cases are accepted from 10-14 hours)

Iron and its derivatives (PSA):

It is preferable to fast for 6-8 hours and to come in the morning and before starting treatment with iron or blood transfusion.

تجميع بول 24 ساعة:

فور القيام من النوم صباحا ، تبول في دورة المياه وسجل الوقت ثم اجمع كل نقطه بول بعد ذلك حتى اليوم التالي في نفس الميعاد ( 24 ساعة ) ولحفظ البول ضعه في الثلاجة (يرجى مراجعة الاستقبال في حال وجود تعليمات اضافية)


يمتنع المريض يوم واحد قبل إجراء التحليل عن الجماع، و يراعى اخذ مشورة الطبيب المعالج في حال إدخال منظار أو قسطرة,
و ينصح باجراء اختبار Free PSAبعد اختبار Total PSA(اذا كانت النتيجة بين 4 – 6 نانوجرام/مللي).

It is required that the analysis not be performed after a blood transfusion or a relapse before the passage of at least 4 weeks.

Semen Examination:

It is required to abstain from sexual intercourse or wet dreams for a period of 3-7 days. It is also (preferably) to give the sample in the laboratory, taking care to place the first drop of semen in the special bottle for this. (No escort is allowed while giving the sample inside the toilet)

Sputum 3 consecutive days:

It is required to collect the first sputum in the morning after gargling with water several times and before eating. Saliva samples are not accepted. Each sample was sent separately to the laboratory on the same day.

Urine farm:

It is required to wash the hand and the genitals with soap and water, then to purify the urine hole with disinfectant. Wash again with water only to remove the disinfectant, then empty the first drops of urine into the toilet and put the rest in the sterile package provided by the laboratory. The antibiotic must be abstained for a period of not less than 48 hours. If the sample is sent from home, please reach the laboratory on the same day, within two hours at most.

Stool culture:

It is required that the sample arrives at the laboratory within two hours at most, in a sterile package (available in the laboratory), and no sample sent otherwise is accepted. The antibiotic should be avoided for at least 48 hours .

Stools for occult blood:

For 48 hours, the patient abstains from eating all kinds of meat, radish, rheumatism drugs, or any medications containing aspirin, vitamin C, cortisone, or iron, and laxatives are not allowed.